Friday, March 11, 2011


Norah has been developing an interest in the alphabet.  It started with this video – a Sesame Street collaboration with Tilly and the Wall.  Once Norah discovered that we knew the ABCs song as well (although with less fan fare) she had us sing it to her over and over again. She is slowly learning some of the letters and tries to join in the song when she can. Norah is truly passionate about letters so like any good parent I decided it was time to start manipulating this enthusiasm to serve my own purposes.  Norah has been difficult to bathe ever since she learned to stand up on her own. We usually have to start washing her hair while the water is still running and she climbs out of the tub while we are rinsing her. It had gotten ridiculous – as in I am completely soaked from playing bouncer to a wet Norah. So earlier in the week I came across these foam letters and knew Norah would love them. Since the idea is to make bath time appealing I’m only letting her play with them in the bath – this has had the unintended consequence of a few tantrums when it wasn’t bath time - but as far as convincing her to take a bath it has been overwhelmingly successful. Norah has taken a bath per her request every day this week. Tonight we were running short on time and tried to skip it but she refused to put on her jammies (I should say she refused to be put IN jammies) until she had a “bat.” It was no use reminding her she had already taken one after breakfast. IMG_7056IMG_7049


SMT Family said...

What a great idea! Norah is gorgeous and seems so fun. Wish our girls (we) could go on play dates together. I am going to have to think about getting Savannah some toy letters! I'm so impressed that Norah can identify some letters and sing along with you. So is so smart!

Lorraine said...

Is Elmo jealous of Norah's love of the Alphabet and Molly the dolly. I am happy to see cute Norah smiling in the bathtub.

Tahri and Kehau said...

What a smart idea! My goodness she is going to be singing the ABC song in no time.

Tiffany said...

oh my gosh, it looks like bath time at our house! We have the same Elmo mat and alphabet- how funny!

MLE Whatz said...

So Darling!

Ashley said...

I saw Tilly and the Wall back when I was in undergrad. I'm glad to hear that Norah digs twee pop.

jo said...

great idea, one I may have to steal in the future.

Amy said...

I can't believe how grown up Norah is! She is darling! Bathtime is great! I think it's one of my favorite things to see little kids playing in the bath.

Sounds like you guys have been world travelers! How fun!