Thursday, February 25, 2010

Black & Whites

I felt like putting some pics in B&W for a change.

This is Bryan and Norah Tuesday morning before his MS thesis defense.IMG_3818 He passed by the way. You'd think he'd be able to relax a bit after that but it was right back to work on the next project. He is building a laser right now as I post this. His research seems to vacillate between two extremes. He is either bored out of his mind with a stagnant project or incredibly busy with one that is finally coming together. Maybe he'll have to post later about this cool Sci Fi laser he is making with his buddy Victor.
IMG_3820 The latest of Lincoln and Norah moments:
Lincoln had a graham cracker
IMG_3829 that Norah decided to share with him

IMG_3833 and then Lincoln decided he needed a little more personal space


Hillary and Jonathan said...

Those pictures look great in black and white!

Kari said...

I'm glad to hear he passed. Not that I'm surprised...