Thursday, December 11, 2008

Excessive Reading Days=bored

When I was at BYU I was always disappointed at how few days we got to study for finals. We got 2 days but usually they counted Saturday as one of them which is an entirely separate tirade altogether. So I'm finishing up my first semester at Cornell and I have one final to study for. I have all week to do it. I started off pretty strong but I only got about 1/3 of the way through the material (which happened on Tuesday) before I realized that I had all week to study. Now it's Thursday and even though I'm bored stiff the last thing that I want to do is study. This I think is why I decided to post my thoughts on our long forgotten blog. Anyway, I keep telling myself in 15 mins I'll start so maybe I'll get something done today. For all of you studying for finals, Good Luck!!


Leslie said...

I am glad to see that you two have finally updated the blog, and I hope to see more updates soon. Good luck with finals!

Tiffany said...

May I request pictures of a prego Lindsey? Or we could just get together!

Congratulations on the first Cornell semester and the first half of the school year completions. Hope all is well and we should really get together soon. :)