Today Freya is 6 months old. She has changed a lot this month: She grew two teeth, mastered rolling from her tummy to her back and from her back to her tummy, tasted apple sauce, and can sit up all by herself. I didn’t actually know she could sit up on her own till I tried it today for these pictures. To celebrate Freya’s half birthday we went to the Dallas Museum of Art to see their special exhibit on French still life paintings. It was a wonderful collection but Freya quickly became bored and slept through pretty much the whole thing in the Ergo carrier. Hopefully she will one day appreciate art as much as she currently appreciates naps. Look how happy she is from her nap on the art museum lawn:
Some other notes about Freya at 6 months: She loves to chew on and squeeze her Sophie Giraffe teether. She still hates her car seat. I only let her play with Sophie in her car seat to even things out. Sometimes there is so much squeaking going on in the backseat that I accuse Norah or Alice of having taken Sophie for their own entertainment but it is always just Freya squeaking away. Freya loves to play peek-a-boo. Norah really enjoys playing peek-a-boo with her and is a great help with keeping Freya happy in the evenings when I’m trying to get dinner ready. Freya rolls all the time now and somehow she seems to always end up stuck under the couch and then yells at me to help her.
Here she is watching Peg + Cat with her big sisters
Yesterday after an early morning bath
And a week ago trying applesauce
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Freya is 6 months old!
Friday, January 23, 2015
New Years in Denver
After spending Christmas in Virginia we flew from there to Denver on the 27th. Ashley and Matt made dinner for us twice – first on Saturday night at my parents house while my mom and dad were picking us up from the airport. No good deed goes unpunished though and that night they returned to their house to discover they had been robbed. Burglars had used a crow bar to bust open their glass sliding door – breaking it – and then stolen all their electronics and Ashley’s jewelry. Ashley and Matt amazingly took it all in stride and hosted us again the next day for a pierogie making party. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad we had that great day together because unfortunately we all got pretty sick after that.
Bryan and Freya were sick the week of Christmas and the day before we left I came down with a cold. Bryan and Freya went to Urgent Care on Dec 30th and both were put on antibiotics for a sinus infection and ear infection respectively. I was starting to feel a little better from my cold only to get hit with the flew on New Years Eve which sent me into urgent care as well. I was given tamiflu and it was suggested that we bring Freya back in to get her a tamiflu prescription as well. We had no energy to do anything. We just laid around my parents house while they cooked for us, cleaned up after us and tended the kids. I don’t know what Alice had but at one point she also had a fever and vomited twice in the night (once right into Norah’s hair). I’m so so so glad we had that week in Denver with my parents to take care of us rather than in Dallas with no help. Again, no good deed goes unpunished (or maybe Bryan and I are just bad luck) and they succumbed to the flu just as we were leaving and it took them a week or two to get better.
In the midst of our zombie apocalypse Norah and Alice managed to have a lot of fun in the snowThey even made a snowman with not adult help
When they were inside they played and did art projects and drank hot chocolate
Bryan and I were too sick to care about celebrating New Years but my mom bought martinellis, shrimp, party hats and managed to put us into the holiday mood. The girls loved it
On our last day my mom insisted that we take the girls sledding. I was so exhausted I really didn’t want to and resisted it but I’m so glad we went because it was so much fun. It really was a joy to see them coming down the hill giggling and it will be a great memory.
Here’s a picture I took of Freya and my mom right before we left