Friday, April 10, 2015


We had a lovely Easter. We died eggs twice.IMG_1665The Easter bunny came (although Alice kept saying Santa came and Norah kept whispering that she knew it was really us). IMG_1671

The Easter Bunny (aka, Santa, aka us) brought Freya recycled toys from her older sisters. I wasn’t worried about Norah noticing the familiar toys since I had already ruined the Easter Bunny for her. I was however a little worried the toys hadn’t been stored long enough for Alice to forget about them. I have felt really bad about spoiling the Easter Bunny for Norah and wanted to give Alice a few more years. Turns out that was giving her way to much credit. Not only was she oblivious to the toys, I still have to convince her that the Easter bunny is a thing. IMG_1677 IMG_1679We had Benjamin’s family and Caterina’s family over for a delicious brunch and the kids hunted for eggs in the yardIMG_1691

1 comment:

DB said...

The sequences with Alice are prize-winners. Thanks.